Thursday, December 22, 2011

Look under the cushions....

84% of women and 74% of men choose to pick up coins off the ground
Each individual household in the United States has an average $90 of loose change lying around!

Do you ever catch yourself going down your path with your eyes peeled ahead- and don't take the time to look around you?  I think the above is a good example of why it's important to check your surroundings every one in a while, just in case.  You never know what you may find.  

My sister is like this.  She's the only person I know who is lucky enough to have found a hundred dollar bill once.  Then, about 10 years later she found a ring in a dressing room.  Turned it into the lost and found at the department store.  They kept her name in case the owner never came back for it.  Months later, they called her and she retrieved the ring.  Turns out it was worth something like $10,000.  Seriously.  Keep your eyes peeled.