Monday, May 6, 2013

Give a little

There are so many ways to give.... in person, by donating funds or things you don't need anymore, and even your resources.  There is even a way to give of your time when you are in need of a bit of a distraction.

Check this option out... you can just answer some easy questions, and you give grains of rice to people in need.  Over 99 billion grains of riced have been donated!

This one:  if you have some sort of skill sets, you can micro volunteer.  Virtually.  Ex:  you can give your social media, branding, marketing skills to a non-profit that could use a hand.
How to get help for your organization: An Overview
I. Brand your Sparked Community instance so that it looks just like your website or intranet.
II. Invite your strategic communities; these are philanthropic or civic groups that your company has an interest in supporting.
III. Onboard your employees and launch.