Friday, July 6, 2012

Stupid Smart

What is stupid smart you may ask?  I'm going to tell you, but you should read this article first.  And keep in mind that there are different kinds of smart out there.

I'm sure I've mentioned that all people are different and that there are different strengths people have out there.  I'm good at organizing.  I love to see chaos and create order out of it.  Seriously.  For other people, its math or science.  And others yet, it may be working with their hands in some creative capacity.  I have a friend who has the ability to focus intently on anything with so much care it's as though she can drown out the rest of the world and study/memorize/accomplish, anything. Seriously.  I'm jealous of that skill.

My point is that focusing on your shortcomings isn't going to get you far.  In fact, they may not even be shortcomings after all.  They may just be - who you are.