Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Who's Bossy?

I remember when Bossypants came out and I thought, "man, what a funny title to a book."  Then I thought to myself, "hm, maybe I'm a little bit bossypants."

This was confirmed today after a conversation with my therapist, B.  Have I told you I see a therapist?  I've been seeing this woman for over 7 years- it may even be 8.  It's one of my most successful relationships.  I've learned so much about myself through my time spent with her.  Somehow, when I admit problems or issues about my life, it seems as though I can handle them better after discussing them with B.

Today I was telling B that I feel as though I bring my bossiness into my relationship which causes some problems.  N brings his narrow mindedness to our relationship which causes some problems.  There's more to the story, but after I left my appointment I called up N to admit to him, or rather, acknowledge this short coming.  His response was, "Honey!  I could have told you that and saved you a ton of money!"  I laughed and then he told me he loved me and knows I'm bossy. He knows he's narrow minded and we talked about how we have work to do to communicate better.

That's one of the reasons I love him.  He takes something that is hard for me to deal with, and then makes me laugh about it as though it was never a big deal to begin with.

That's progress for this bossy girl.