I can't tell you how many times in my life I thought, "why me?" "This isn't fair?!" "Why is God letting this happen to me- I'm not a bad person!?"
It will never be easy to experience failures and disasters. When you like to control the outcome of things in your life like I do, it can feel devastating when things simply don't go your way.
As a faithful person, this struggle is something that I have come to terms with in the past few years. Bad things happen to everyone. Good things happen to everyone. We never know exactly what is going on in someone's life to be able to judge what those things are, if they deserve them or not. It's none of our business. Focus on yourself. Focus on being the best person you can be, and being thankful to God for every thing that is good in your life. Even minutiae like the air, and the sun, and a smile from a stranger.
The rest of the time, I continuously look for encouragement, and find it through passages like these, including stories from the lives of the Saints.
"When Abba Anthony (St Anthony the Great) meditated upon the depth of the judgments of God, he asked, saying, Lord, how is it that some perish when short-lived, and some live to extreme old age? And why are some poor, and yet others rich? And why are the unrighteous rich, and yet the righteous are poor? And he heard a voice saying to him, Anthony, keep your attention on yourself, for these things are the judgments of God, and they will not benefit you to learn them."