Thursday, December 16, 2010

Letting go of fear

About 4 years ago, my favorite Aunt who is also a good friend, told me about a book.  It sounded a bit weird at first, but the more she spoke about it, the more energetic she became.  The positive energy was pouring out of her, and it felt contagious.  I immediately bought the book to see what it was all about.  

"Love is Letting go of Fear" by Gerald Jampolsky changed my life, and it may change yours.  It's from the 70's, includes strange cartoons, and is all about the path to contentment.  The description on amazon states:

"the only thing that stands between us and the awesome energy of love is fear. To live without fear, we must stop analyzing it, stop agonizing over it, stop fighting with it, and simply . . . let it go. How? By releasing our paralyzing preoccupation with the past and our chronic apprehension over the future—which is, needless to say, easier said than done.

To help us in this difficult journey from fear to love, Dr. Jampolsky presents tools in the form of 12 daily, progressive lessons for personal transformation. These crucial lessons work through the concepts of giving, forgiveness, cause and effect, perspective, reactive behavior, victim hood, judgement, living in the present, releasing the past, visualization, freedom to choose, and taking responsibility."