Friday, December 17, 2010

Whatever makes you happy

Recently, I catch myself telling people, "whatever makes you happy" in response to some question they pose to me.  

"KG, should I change careers?" and I say, "Whatever makes you happy."
"KG, should I stay with him?" and I say, "Whatever makes you happy." (Although, lets be honest, if someone is asking that question, 9 times out of 10, its probably a symptom of something else altogether, and a breakup is inevitable.  

I think there is something to be said for encouraging people do what truly makes them happy. Personally, I think pursuing what makes your heart sing is part of the big picture of life.  And you should support everyone else with their endeavor to do so as well.  The challenge is sifting through all the muck that gets in the way to ensure you are truly following a path that will ultimately be a step in the right direction.