Thursday, May 16, 2013

2 days until I'm a married woman

It's pretty weird that I'm going to married in a few days.  I've been thinking about what it would be like to be married since I was a kid.  For most of my life, until I said yes to N, I never thought I'd find my person.  It just seemed unattainable.  Who would have ever thought that there would be a guy out there that would be the yin from my yang?

Definitely, not me.  P, my best girl, had faith that I would find my person, as did my other best friends.  They all sincerely believed that my guy would come.  They kept up the faith for me, when I would slip up.

And he did.  He's here.  He's not going anywhere.  I'm thrilled.

To be clear, N isn't the perfect person I was waiting for.  He is the best person for me and makes me so very happy.  I'm so excited I can barely sleep, eat, or focus on anything!  Horrah for wedding day!

Feeling very very very blessed, kg