Friday, May 17, 2013

Make a slight change in your course.... now!

This is a great idea worth spreading, about folks in their 20's.  I was just talking about this with my therapist today.... I am so thrilled that I am in my 30's now.  My 20's were far too tumultuous, but thankfully, they brought me to where I am today.  Which means, I really do like where I am now.  I own whom I am.  And I like myself better.

Take a particular look at minute 7:30 which discuses the crux of the issue which I  have seen happen around me... if you put off living your life in your 20's, your 30's will be a hot mess.  You can't experience everything you may want to, if you wait too long to get started.
From Meg Jay, herself:
1. Get yourself some "identity something!" minute 10:00.
2. The urban tribe is over rated. New things come from weak ties.
3. You can pick your family (and your friends).  The time to start picking is now.  Be intentional with love, and work; choose what you want, don't choose who wants you.