I was at a Job Fair interviewing people through work a few months ago. These people were nervous and intimidated. I could tell they were a bit scared to be interviewing with anyone. The prospective candidates just finished a 10 week Good Will Training program successfuilly. Several of these candidates have been to jail or had drug problems in their past. I could tell they were ashamed and embarrass to mention or elude the gap in their resume.
I've reviewed thousands of resumes and interviewed hundreds of people for almost ten years. There isn't a way to be absolutely prepared for what I experienced that day. All I could do was acknowledge their checkered past without any shock or awe. I tried to make them laugh a bit to relax them. One woman was so appreciative of how much respect I offered her- she hugged me when we were done.
These people didn't grow up with the same opportunities as I had. They generally didnt have the same experiences as I did.
But I left feeling inspired by their determination to build something new for themselves. If they can fight to build a second future for themselves, I think we should consider the possibility that they deserve one.