Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Best Intentions

In the past, I have found myself in the precarious position of being on the other end of disagreements.  In most situations I probably said something, or did something the other party found frustrating/inappropriate/rude/mean-spirited, etc.  The worst part is that 99% of the time, I didn't mean to upset the other person.  I just wasn't thinking.  After I apologize sincerely, I try to re-apologize and run off with my tail between my legs.  If that doesn't work and the other party is still upset, I try to point out that I had the best of intentions.  They were just mis-placed.  Or ill-conceived.

I recently found myself mediating an argument between two people I love very much.  They love each other.  But they both couldn't take a step beyond their position to look at the situation from the other person's shoes.  They both had very good intentions, but wouldn't make an effort to trust what they already knew.  Since they loved each other, they would never try to hurt each other on purpose.

If I've ever accidently /purposefully upset you, I'm sorry.  I promise I (probably) had the best of intentions :-)