Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Quit being Crabby

Whenever I'm Crabby, or when you are Crabby... it's never about whomever we take it out on. Never.

I found myself being what anyone could consider, bitchy a few weeks ago.  I lost my temper and am still angry at myself for it.  I was mad at one person and took it out on another.  The former- will never see eye to eye with me, and I should know better than to allow myself to get baited.

After I loose my temper and go all "raGe Kage," I'm reminded of the scene in "You've got Mail" when Meg Ryan's character explains she is finally able to say what she wants to say when the opportunity presents itself, and wish I had that power:
Joe Fox: I think you'd discover a lot of things if you really knew me. 
Kathleen Kelly: If I really knew you, I know exactly what I'd find: instead of a brain a cash register, instead of a heart a bottom line. 
Joe Fox: What? 
Kathleen Kelly: I just had a breakthrough. 
Joe Fox: What is it? 
Kathleen Kelly: I have you to thank for it. For the first time in my life, when confronted with a horrible, insensitive person, I knew exactly what I wanted to say and I said it. 
Joe Fox: I think you have the gift for it. It was a perfect blend of poetry and meanness.