Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Crazypants Strikes Again

I feel that those of you who have been reading for a while, recall when Crazypants invaded DC back in March.  Guess who texted me today, around 3:47 PM while I was in the middle of my busy work day?  Crazypants.   I was dumbstruck, yet again.
I felt myself audibly exhale then read and re-read the text from the a$$-clown.  Meanwhile, the old horrible trail of texts that he had sent me back in March could be seen above the new text from today.  I was forced to re-examine everything that happened all over again.
If you recall, I placed a V-Block on his number so he couldn't get in touch with me.  It appears as though the V-block expired and opened up permissions for him to contact me. What did he have to say?  He said shortly:
"Wanted to give u my deepest apology for my behavior earlier in the year! Good luck & Best Wishes"
I was outraged.  Perhaps I should have been happy that he apologized.  But I couldn't (can't) focus on that yet. I'm still annoyed/pissed/angry.
The best part of this, is the response I got from my best friends.  They all immediately responded with support and frustration.  Several offered to drive the eight hours to where he's from to either a) give him the one digit solute b) TP his house (an old favorite of ours) or c) Sprinkle his belongings with something disgusting I won't reveal here.  Needless to say, the girls gave me a chuckle.  Thank God for best friends.  They make the bad stuff come off as laughable.