Saturday, July 2, 2011

The spread of happiness to China

One day I'll get to China.  Until then I'll learn about the foreign land that I've thought about since I was a kid.  The furniture I had as a child was from China.  The oriental hand painted art raised curiosity in my mind.  Who painted the furniture, who crafted it, how did it get here?

As other countries are measuring the Gross Domestic Happiness index within their borders, China has begun to take notice.  The goal according to the Premier is to bring people more happiness and dignity.  The new greeting of choice amongst Chinese is now, "Are you happy?" instead of "Did you eat today?"  Quite a shift in priorities.

In Communist China, authorities are concerned that the shift in the economy will affect the stability of the people. For instance, additional in balance of wealth is a threat to the masses.  Given the lack of choice in China, I'm curious how the imposed authority affects wellness.  Further, after watching a documentary about democracy in China, I wonder how the constraint affects people.  The documentary  called, "Please vote for me"  examines this concept of democracy (choice) for a class monitor position in a 3rd grade class.  Instead of the child being chosen by the teacher the movie shoes each of the three candidates campaigning for the win.
It appears that despite how hard politics may steer people away from achieving their happiness, it is always a concept people will strive for.  Not even a Communist government can stop it.