Thursday, December 8, 2011

Paralyzing Thoughts

Have you ever been unhappy with your life and felt paralyzed? You are so angry and confused that you don't know what to do.  Perhaps, all you want to do is run away.  Escape the realities of your frustrations?

I've been there, but have also been on the other end of a tough time.  How did I do it?
I was able to look beyond the present condition of my life with the help of  friends who confirmed what I already knew deep down.  That life will not always be like it is today.  I am in charge of creating the change I need to

Apparently, scientists have discovered that we are all horrible at making decisions and tend to make the same mistakes.

"Our inclination to sweat the small stuff runs very, very deep, and hurts our well-being. (To combat the tendency, the researchers offered a tip: setting a time limit on decisions in advance. Or, “step back from the decision … to maintain a more global focus.”)"