Thursday, December 1, 2011

Better than Expected

A few weeks ago I was headed into work on a rainy icky day.  All I wanted to do was get back in bed.  My inner good girl wouldn't allow it.  I had work to do- loose ends that needed to be tied up.

As I'm driving I get a phone call from my best friend.  "What are you up to? "  So I told her I was driving into work in awful rainy traffic.  She was too. Then I asked her where she was in our fine sprawling city.  She was 10 cars back.   We were excited.

Given how massive our city is, and the sheer amount of people that are commuting at the same time, it's statistically improbable that we would run into each other.  Which makes it far more thrilling.  We were able to maneuver next to eachother so we could give eachother a virtual high five and a big hearty smile to start the day with. Awesome day.