Monday, September 17, 2012

Happy Birthday to ME

Today is my 32nd birthday.  I remember looking in the mirror the day after my 31st birthday and seeing four (not 3) but four gray eyelashes surrounding what I still thought were my youthful eyes.  I thought about plucking them out, but let them fall out on their own.   I don't have any more left.  I noticed last week that my mom has a few. Now I know where I get them from.  The gray makes me feel older.

So, here I am a year later, getting married and moving.  I'm going through a lot of transition, but I have to say I'm happier than I've ever been.  That doesn't mean my life is perfect.  It doesn't mean that every day is full of bliss. I had plenty of worries too.   I wouldn't wish my professional challenges that I've had in the last year on anyone.

I'm looking forward to what the next year brings.  If it's anything half as good as this past year has been, it will be wonderful