Thursday, July 11, 2013

Feeling Older isn't so bad

I feel this back and forth tug between feeling old, and feeling like I just seem to have more of life experiences under my belt.  Getting older doesn't have to mean that there won't be any more fun.  It also doesn't mean that nothing exciting will happen.  Things may be taking off....

I tried to tell Husband about my theories on having fun as we get older.  He has the mistaken impression that marriage and kids (eventually) mean that he won't be having much fun any more.  I was shocked and horrified.  I wouldn't be getting into this arrangement if I thought I was never having fun again.  There is so much more fun left to be had.  In fact, I feel like I'm just getting warmed up.

By the way, this list of folks who started to build their 30's left me feeling inspired.  Check it out: