Friday, July 12, 2013

Why wait?

"God does not require that you fix yourself and then come to Him.The exact opposite is true. Come now, come quickly, and come broken and horrifyingly messy. Please, just come."

I wish I had thought about the meaning and intention of the above when I was struggling in my Dark Years.  In my 20's, I was angry, and hurt, and scared and bitter.  I just wasn't ready to face God.  I knew he was there.  I knew he would wait.  But I put off years of peace because I was stubborn.

The only good thing about those years of struggle is that it brought me to where I am today.  That struggle brought me back to Church, back to God, and ultimately, to N.  Without all of that, I never would have been open to letting N into my life.  

It reminds me of the statement  "why put off tomorrow what you could do today"?  I think the answer is almost always- fear.  

The quote from the far top comes from this amazing woman whose life story I was reading about here.  The best thing about her struggles, is that she too, was led to a far better place.  Look what she's doing now.