Almost everyone I know has a strong conviction about tattoos. Some hate them. Some love them. Some don't care.
I think they can be cool. I think some of them are ridiculous. I think some are tacky. I think some of them are works of art. Like any work of art, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
I decided to wait it out until it feels right, one way or another. I know what I'd want to get, and there is a reason why.
Kyrie Elesion, or is Greek for "Lord have mercy," which is one of the most succinct prayers Christians have been using for two thousand years. It means a lot to me. I want to be forced to commit myself to what it means, no matter what. I'm not the only one who feels the same way. Because when I goggled it, there were many others who had the same bright idea, to put their tattoo in the same location.
In fact, other Orthodox Christians place a tattoo signifying their faith on their hands, and have for centuries.
I don't want to let the opinions of others influence me. I want to do this for me, and I want to be proud of it. I also want to be able to cover it up if I chose to :)