Sunday, August 5, 2012

Twice the Joy

I had a convo with a great friend a little while ago.  I was telling her about the challenges that I am experiencing of late.  I was telling her that since times are tough for me right now, I try to focus on the good stuff.  But it's hard.  I realized if I didn't have N in my life I would be pretty miserable.  It's scary for one person to make such a difference in my life.  Being vulnerable to N's love has opened my world up to increasing amounts of joy.  

My friend said her father says, when you find your person, you experience "half the sorrows twice the joy."  It seems like its true.  It also seems like its worth it.

Another way to say the same thing:

“Joy shared is twice the joy. Sorrow shared is half the sorrow.”
—Swedish proverb