I woke up this morning frantic because I remembered calling my friend whom I was supposed to get together with and telling her to just meet me at our golf lesson- I was running late. Somehow, I slept in til10:45 and I had to be downtown by 11AM. I was running late.
Except that was a dream. What wasn't a dream, was how mean spirited the golf coach was. It was almost unbelievable. I didn't know what to do. I felt like this man was chastising me as though I was a petulant child who peed on his leg out of spite. No matter what we did, he would criticize. Mind you, I have only been playing for less than a year, and I'm not that bad.
I'll be honest, given that I went there to learn from an expert, the best thing I took away from the experience was laughter (because you better believe we laughed our rears off for the rest of the day, in disbelief because of this guys horrible bedside manner) and to choke up on my wedge when I'm using that iron on the ruff. Other than that, I felt emotionally abused.
Where do these people come from? Apparently, some people don't understand that you teach by example, not through intimidation. Especially not for several 30-50 year olds who are your employer for 50 minutes of their precious time.