Thursday, September 22, 2011

80/20 Rule

I think I need to read this book, which was a recommendation from my friend:
"From the man who energised legions of people with the 80/20 phenomenon comes a proven, practical programme for anyone who wants to achieve extraordinary results without extraordinary effort. With his first mega-bestseller, The 80/20 Principle, Richard Koch applied a century-old economic principle—80 per cent of results come from 20 per cent of our efforts—to show companies how to drive business performance. The 80/20 Individual showed how to release the potential of the 80/20 principle in the workplace. Living The 80/20 Way applies Koch’s less is more and more with less ideas to your best 20 per cent in everyday life: how to get work you enjoy, how to build stronger relationships with family and friends, and how to unmask the mystery of money."

This certainly changes my perspective regarding effort, and how it's applied.