Monday, September 19, 2011

Superpower: being single

I know that most people think that being single is akin to a death sentence.  I'd be lying if I didn't see where they are coming from.  Sometimes I get lonely, although its typically when I'm surrounded by couples and I don't want to be the only idiot that isn't paired off.  Other than that, I'm cool.  I promise.  If I want to be around people, I can call up family or friends.  These days I work 12 hours a day-ish, so there isn't a ton of down time left to mope around.  Plus, I don't mine the quiet and alone time.  I treasure it.

The truth is, when I honestly consider the challenges that go into making a relationship work, I start to run in the other direction in my mind.  Hell. to. the. no.  And then I read this article about being single.  It made me laugh.  It was written by someone who is obviously in my boat.  Wish he was single/available/real.  I'd snatch him up.  Or maybe I wouldn't.