Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Gabby Giffords is the bravest broad around

When I think about Gabby Giffords, the Congresswoman who was shot through the brain last January, I get overwhelmed.  She was beautiful, smart, vibrant and well intentioned.  That much is obvious, despite your political leanings.

She has been to hell and is on her way back which is evidenced by the recent video report on 20/20 noting her progress.  She still has quite a way to go to recover, but her drastic improvement over the past 11 months is astonishing to the experts- a doctor even noted that sometimes you have to believe in "miracles" with regard to these matters.

What makes me irate, is that Sarah Palin's team published a map of the US and Gabby's district in Arizona was one of the locations where cross hairs were placed.  That is also the exact same location where someone first shot at her local District Office, and later, shot her and killed six other people in the process.  The heading of the graphic notes, "It's time to take a stand" and that is literally what was done.

Our political system is destroyed.  Our politicians are selfish- they care more about getting re-elected and stubbornly sticking to their guns in order to do so, rather than working together to help us.