Sunday, November 27, 2011

Small town

When I was younger I hated living in my boring small suburban home town. I wanted to be cooler. I wanted to live in a city where I could be more anonymous. That way, everyone wouldn't know my business. Now that I'm older my perspective has changed. This isn't the first (nor the last) time that my opinions changed with time, as I grow and re examine what I think I know to be true.

Today, at 9:30 in the morning I ran into my grand parents at the hair salon. I wasn't supposed to be there at that time but I moved my appointment last minute. I forgot that my grandmother has a standing hair appointment every Saturday morning. Plus, we use the same stylist and have for over 15 years.

What a treat to see them when I least expected! I could probably get my hair done closer to my current house, or even somewhere cheaper. However, todays surprise is one of the reasons why I like going back to my home town to get my hair done, my car washed, go to the bank, etc. It's familiar- and still my home.