Saturday, June 4, 2011

Laughter is the best medicine

I woke up with a killer headache today.  The kind of headache that made me want to take two Tylenol and go back to bed.  Just go to sleep, wake up and start fresh tomorrow.

But I had to go to work and I pushed through.  It just so happens that my lovely officemate was experiencing a headache as well.  Misery loves company, doesn't it?  My big idea for our plight was to turn off our overhead lights and keep on our task lights.  But then we felt sleepy.

About an hour later she said, hey, are you feeling better? The lights had been back on for quite a while by that point.  I realized, I did!

You see, we had spent a good amount of time in fits of laughter over silly ridiculous things.  And it made us feel better.  Which is what scientists have been saying for years.  Laughter is good for our health.  Do it as often as you can.