Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Slow your roll, kg!

One morning a few weeks back I experienced an unlikely luxury- I drove to work from the River House I visited the prior weekend.  Whereas my mornings are usually full of mind numbing traffic and silent pleas to God to keep me sane and patient despite the idiots I am forced to share the roads with, this morning, it was easy.  It was also picturesque as you can see from the picture to the left.  A mile long bridge over the river, not a cloud in site. No traffic!
Heaven.  As the  years have gone by, I've become better at driving with more patience.  But this past week, I have received 4 (yes, four!) speeding tickets from speed traps in the city.  What a mess!  I was so disappointed in myself.
But as I thought about the foolish mistake(s) I made, I considered a few things.  1) I'm still a work in process.  2) I guess I'm not as good a driver as I thought.  3)  How the heck am I going to be responsible for teaching my own kids how to drive in the future?  Patience.