Monday, April 30, 2012

Growing Pains

I am going through what could lovingly be referred to as, "growing pains."  N will be moving up and into my house as soon as he gets a job in my city.  I can't wait.

What I can wait for, and haven't yet prepared for, was all of his stuff.  He started slowly leaving some clothes, a razor, a toothbrush.  I adjusted to that.  I have been wrapping my brain around the fact that I'm going to have to share my house with a boy (which I've never done before).

Then, this past weekend-  there was an incident.  For context, watch this video first.

Personally, I think Marie should have been far more concerned about the Jorts and the 80's Stache Jess was sporting, but this clip from one of my favorite movies came to mind almost immediately after I walked into my (our) house yesterday to find a hot mess of cords, stereo equipment, speakers, cd players..... all over my (our)  tiny family room.  Have I mentioned I don't like clutter?  Have I mentioned that I'm a bit (sometimes a lot) controlling?  Have I mentioned I have 2 (and with his, 3) dogs?  Have I mentioned that its a TINY house?  Because all of that is true.

What is also true, is that I came home and looked at the hot mess, looked at him, looked at the hot mess, rolled my eyes and said in a bitchy voice, "WHAT is all THAT?"  as I waved in the general direction of the TV/Stereo/CORD disaster.  Needless to say, my reaction wasn't received well.

I wish he had asked me about it before hand.  I wish I had handled it better.  I wish it never happened to begin with.  However, it was bound to happen at some point.  It seems as though its inevitable.

I'm praying for patience and understanding- and hopefully, we'll walk away from these growing pains with lessons learned and a few good laughs.