Friday, October 19, 2012

Fanaticism /Hypocrisy

A thought:  
"A Christian must not be fanatical; he must have love for and be sensitive towards all people. Those who inconsiderately toss out comments, even if they are true, can cause harm...he [who thinks he] is capable of correcting others is filled with egotism."   - Elder Paisios the Athonite

One of the biggest turn offs in the world is someone who is a hypocrite.  I've been one before, and I'm certain I'll make that mistake again.  When it comes to religion, this is an even more egregious offense in my opinion.  

As a Christian, we are supposed to embody what we believe.  Our actions should show people who we are.  Words follow, but should not lead.  

The quote above certifies my belief, although I know others can't help but point fingers when they see people doing things that are "wrong."  

Religious folks use this justification to express hatred to people who follow different religious beliefs, or who are gay, etc.  

I believe it's not your place.  There is no need.  You don't have to say, "hey, I agree 100% with you!" But I also don't think you should judge or criticize others.  We aren't supposed to cast stones. We just aren't.  

Next time you see someone doing or saying something that you don't necessarily agree with, try to withhold your reaction.  Try to love them a little!  That is what Jesus would do.  Period.  Any brand of Christian should (in theory) agree with that statement.  

My love to you all,