Tuesday, October 2, 2012

You are what you eat

There are people in the world that struggle with eating the wrong things all over our country.  People all over the world laugh about our country and our poor level of health including our levels of obesity.  In that spirit I read a few articles today that struck me.

1)  Poor diet could lead to Alzheimer's- aka Type 3 Diabetes.  Shocking!

2)  The food that poor folks eat, through programs, doesn't do them any favors.  That isn't news.  The food options actually re-affirm their same behaviors and health problems because of the limited food options available to those who are buying their food through coupon/voucher programs. So how are we (or rather, our Government) really helping them?  This mayor decided to try to eat (for one week) what people on food stamp programs eat.

(To note, the only issue I have with his experiment is that he is upset that there isn't an option to buy fast food.  He's also upset that he has to prepare all his meals ahead of time, which is typically a sound healthy eating practice.  )