I think it seems prudent to establish parameters in any relationship you hope to last longer than a few years. If you are going to be around longer than that, then you might as well invest some time into a game plan. This game plan should establish who you each are, what is important to you, what you need, what you don't need, and of course, admit unabashedly what your faults are. If you get that stuff out of the way, then the potential for drama in the future will diminish. Most of the time. But hey, I'm a girl and sometimes, we chose to let our crazy go once and a while.
Similarly, I think we should establish a Code of Ethics amongst our home girls. What do you stand for? I think the number one thing has to be: truth. If your friends can't tell you the truth, no one else will. I'm certain of that. What else should be added to the Code?