Monday, August 15, 2011

Mirror mirror on the wall....

I went to a monastery this past weekend for a brief respite.  I've always been interested in going, and I'm thrilled I had the opportunity to go with a few good girlfriends from my church.  Several of these girls I met just a few months ago- back in March at this lecture I wrote about.  I look back on that weekend often because I have so many positive and powerful memories from it.  One of the best things from it, was lasting friendships that commenced as a result of that lecture.

Now, months later, I feel like I've known these folks for years.  It feels so good to have a spiritual community, which I had been looking for before I even knew it was a possibility.
Our shared goal was to check out the monastery and find some peace.  This tranquil place is full of well kept grounds, beautifully serene nuns, quiet that doesn't feel lonely, and simply grace- everywhere.

Although the trip was too short, the benefit was, it left us wanting more.  The most noticeable absence of the Monastery wasn't the cacophony that typically surrounds our lives- rather, it was the mirrors.  No mirrors- not in the bathrooms or for decoration.  It was more refreshing than I can relay.  It took an experience like this for me to realize how often I attempt to look at myself in the mirror every day.  This experience also taught me that I don't need a mirror.  All I need is a good friend to tell me when I have something stuck in my teeth.