I have an outlet of similarly faithful friends that support me in the ways is helpful in terms of my faith. They are wonderful and great, and better than I could have anticipated. I never (ever) thought I would find people that shared my religion that were nice/normal/fun, etc. Having a community to support you when you are into your faith is important, I've found.
While reading an article on CNN.com, the below left me surprised. I tend to assume that the more people know about the world, the less optimism they might have about an almighty loving power. Apparently, I'm wrong, most people need to believe in something:
Studies found that with each additional year of education:
– The likelihood of attending religious services increased 15%.
– The likelihood of reading the Bible at least occasionally increased by 9%.
– The likelihood of switching to a mainline Protestant denomination - Episcopal, Lutheran, Presbyterian USA or United Methodist - increased by 13%.