Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Success vs. Failure

I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody. - Bill Cosby

I'm a fairly nice person... most of the time.  I certainly have my moments when I'm not at my best.  When I'm feeling particularly crotchety I just want to be left alone and mope a bit.  Not forever, but just for a little while.  I certainly don't want anyone to force me out of my poor mood, although that is exactly what I should let them do.  

Similarly, one thing I know for sure:  I can't please everybody.  If you have a complaint about me, I will listen.  But that doesn't mean I am going to do what you want me to do, or change my opinion to yours.  I may, but I probably won't.  Please don't be surprised.