Saturday, August 13, 2011

Someone else's shoes...

I had the luxury of walking a mile (or perhaps a few days) in someone else's shoes this week.  My coworker is on a much needed vacation.  While I hated pestering her with questions while she was gone, I had to a few times.  The rest of the time, I struggled to do all the things that she keeps afloat along with the other stuff I have to take care of.  It felt nearly impossible.

I drew two things from this experience:

1) I can't wait for her to come back.  What I've said is true- we all have to focus on what we are best at.  Accounting, isn't my forte.
 1.a) We work much better as a team.
2) I appreciate her a lot more now that I had to try to keep some of her projects afloat.  Walking in her shoes was unfamiliar and uncomfortable.
No thanks!  But thank you for all you do!