Saturday, March 12, 2011

Dating...30 minutes or less

I wholeheartedly agree with Kat Williams in the clip below.  There are some wackos out there.  I also agree that since I have my own money, dating is an audition.  And when he refers to "babies" I'm thinking of Duke. I also agree with him about needing to find out immediately if this person is going to work, TONIGHT.  I don't have six months.  I'm not going to wait a year.  I can figure it out in 30 minutes (or less!).  See you at Starbucks, especially now that I have my Starbucks app on my Droid.

Upon further research I found the funny below.  You'd think with all my years of dating experience I'd seen it all. But if you read my prior blog post about Crazypants you'll know I'm still learning new things.  Plus, I'm kicking myself now because I should have uncharacteristically asked for the waiter's phone number last night when I had the chance.  At least I would have come away with something other than a funny story.