Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Joking vs Teasing...what is too much?

I love to make people laugh.  Almost nothing gets me going like the sound of  my friends laughter after something I told them.  But I have learned over time that laughter can come at a price.  Getting people to laugh at something witty is harder than getting someone to laugh at someone's mistakes or flaws.  And teasing someone is such an easy target to garner laughter from.
When I think about teasing I think about when I was a kid.  I was so shy and concerned about fitting in.  I wanted to be like everyone else, but it just wasn't going to happen.  I was unique and still am.  And in hindsight I'm thrilled.  But back then, it was torture.  One of the most horrible bouts of teasing that was inflicted upon me was when some mean boy in my class called me Free Willy  (yes, like the whale).  I was in seventh grade, awkward and chubby.  I was so embarrassed.
I'm certain that kid never knew how much I was hurt by his comments.  This post about teasing expands about the concept of intent.  But I'll never forget it.
Over time I developed a thick skin and forced myself to get over my fears.  Now when I tell people about my social anxiety and my shyness they don't even believe me.