Friday, April 29, 2011

Celebrate your achievements

There are plenty of horrible days, bad things that happen to us, and negativity in the world.  So, when we have a great day, good things happen to us, and find some positivity, we need to celebrate it for ourselves and for those that are in our lives.  As Walt Whitman* says in "Leaves of Grass,"

CELEBRATE myself; 
And what I assume you shall assume; 
For every atom belonging to me, as good belongs to you.

Check out this guy who knows how to celebrate after a successful wedding at Westminster.

* Coincidentally, while in London in 2006, a friend of a friend of a friend started babbling at a crowded bar about  how he went to Cambridge and was getting his PhD in History.  He was very confidant of his awesomness, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.  In his spare time, and more importantly, he was a musician.  While at the bar, divine inspiration stuck; he shouted in his British accent above the thundering noise in the bar, "I have a brilliant idea for a lyric"... and he sung to my best girl and me, "I celebrate myself!"

He then proceeded to text himself the lyric so he could remember it.  I never forgot his brand of crazy, and then I read the above BY WALT WHITMAN.  It turns out someone was plagiarizing and it took me five whole years to figure it out.  Guess we both should have paid more attention in English class.