Sunday, April 17, 2011

Happy 6 Man

I went to get my oil/filter changed last week, and really would have rather been doing anything else. When I went into the shop my sister called and wanted to catch up.  We started chatting and a lady seated in the waiting area immediately chastised me for speaking inside while she tried to work.   I apologized and went outside. I had a great time speaking with my sister.  Was able to see a friend running down the street and give my regards. And since I was waiting outside I was able to help an old man in a wheel chair who was an amputee get inside the shop.
By the time I went inside the old man was speaking to a Mechanic and his personality filled the store.  I was trying to read a golf magazine, but was easily distracted by his booming voice and charisma.  Suddenly, he came over and started chatting with me.  In the past, I may have been irritated or too shy to engage in a conversation.  But for some reason I felt comfortable enough and had one of the best conversations with a person I'll probably never see again.
He told me about how he was in the Korean War and lost his leg there at the age of 20, just two months before he was scheduled to go home.  We shared our appreciation for Korea and the Korean people since I was there last summer and my dad served there in 1984 for a year.  He told me about how it was to lose his leg at such a young age and also how he was slated to join the Yankees and had a full ride to college.  But life (and a lost limb) got in the way.
Despite the hardships of this mans life, he was thankful to still have his life and lives each day to the fullest.   We spoke for about 20 minutes but I could have for hours.  My great-grandfather, grandfather, dad and brother-in-law all served our country.  Speaking to this man reminded me of how much these service people need to be appreciated for their sacrifices.
He was an inspiration!  He was open and loving.  And his optimism was infectious.  Even the crotchety lady from earlier started smiling and participating in the conversation.
Don't be afraid of engaging in a conversation with a random person.  You never know what you are going to get.  As I pulled away from the parking lot, I saw his license plate, "HAPY6MN."  Perfect fit.