Thursday, April 28, 2011

Getting Bolder as we get Older

I get niblets of inspiration about what to write on this blog from....everywhere. In fact, I'll take little notes on a moleskin booklet I keep with me at all times.  Sometimes, in hindsight, my notes look like the crazy writings of an escapee from the insane asylum.  However, every now and again, I am able to decipher a gem, and relay it to you.
One such idea came from a conversation with my oldest friend.  The one that knows everything about me, even the things I forget.  And when I say everything, I mean it!
We were talking about how things that used to intimidate us when we were younger, don't really anymore.  It seems that as we get older, we don't have the luxury of being nervous or shy at awkward situations.  Just dive in, stare that elephant in the room right in the eye, and get on with it! The gist of our conversation was we both equally agree that living audaciously as we grow is the way to do it.  Life is too short, otherwise.