Tina Fey cracks me up! Why? Because she's nice and normal and highlights the awesomeness of the every day nerd, like myself. I think those of us that love her see a little bit of ourselves in her. If you watch 30 Rock you know what I mean. If you had the opportunity to see her live at her book signing tour like I did (see my pic over to the right!), you know what I mean. In real life she is even more awesome than you could anticipate.
An article from someone who was at the event noted:
"she is so calm in public, so sweetly awkward and effortlessly funny. She's accessible, in a way that most stars aren't. Sure, actresses will talk about how they love to hang out in sweatpants and eat tacos in Self, but Fey is the kind of person you could not only imagine doing that with, but with whom that would likely be the activity of choice."
I'm looking forward to reading her new book, "Bossypants." She's probably be the funnest mom ever based on the short essay she wrote to her daughter.
The best take away from appreciating someone like her is... find someone or something that makes you laugh. It's good for your health!
*Note: She is half-Greek, which may explain a good portion of her awesomeness. Plus, when I told her I was Greek as she signed my book, she said "Kali Nikta," or "Good night" in Greek to me! I died :-)